Journey of my life


Sunday, 25 May 2014

My leisure

Medium-Oil Paint
Art is the manifestation of our beautiful mind. Artists have created valueless impression since the time known. Supposedly, a piece of touch on the white canvas my worth million had that been the renaissance artist like Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Ven Gogh etc. Whenever I see the masterpieces of these artists keeps me breathless. What made Mona Lisa, probably the world's most famous painting that was painted sometimes between 1503-1506. Lots of emotions are vested in most of the paintings.

This art is commissioned by me in 2008 when I was at Wambur Pry. School.  After school I devote my time on painting, and of course "Words of My Perfect Teacher"  by HH Patruel Rinpoche gave me a good company when I was away from my family and kids. Arts and Religion keeps me away from being idle man.

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