Journey of my life


Sunday, 25 May 2014

Be Satisfied with What you Have!

Bank of  river Krishna, Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh
This was during concurrent field visit to Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh in 2013 during post graduate studies in Social Work (MSW). Krishna river is a source of livelihood to many slum dwellers and homeless. A woman seen with me is one such struggling for survival.  She uses open air oven to cook her meals every day.  She was friendly and seems happy even in a state of destitute. Felt so sorry.

Sometimes, to change ourselves, we need to look at others and understand how life goes...

So disheartening to see our people suffering beyond tolerance, yet we fail to respond to their needs. Even if a beggar is seen begging before us, we pretentiously go unnoticed most of the time. Many of our kinds are seen scavenging for survival.

My leisure

Medium-Oil Paint
Art is the manifestation of our beautiful mind. Artists have created valueless impression since the time known. Supposedly, a piece of touch on the white canvas my worth million had that been the renaissance artist like Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Ven Gogh etc. Whenever I see the masterpieces of these artists keeps me breathless. What made Mona Lisa, probably the world's most famous painting that was painted sometimes between 1503-1506. Lots of emotions are vested in most of the paintings.

This art is commissioned by me in 2008 when I was at Wambur Pry. School.  After school I devote my time on painting, and of course "Words of My Perfect Teacher"  by HH Patruel Rinpoche gave me a good company when I was away from my family and kids. Arts and Religion keeps me away from being idle man.