The Royal Society for Senior Citizens in collaboration with Faculty of Nursing and Public Health, and volunteers offered thousand butter lamps for His Majesty's long life, peace and prosperity. We also made small stupa (tsa-tsa) and served meals to elder senior citizens of Begana Gonpa. It was a day of togetherness and merry making with our grandparents who have been staying there for more than eleven years. I felt fortunate to have dedicated productive time on the day.
Ten Benefits of Offering Butter Lamps according to Buddha:
1. One receives great enjoyment of wealth.
2. One becomes like the light of the world.
3. One achieves clairvoyance of the pure eye as a human.
4. One is reborn as a deva or as a human.
5. One achieves the devas' eye.
6. One achieves the wisdom to discriminate virtue from non-virtue.
7. One is able to eliminate the concept of inherent existence.
8. One receives the illumination of wisdom.
9. One quickly becomes liberated.
10. One quickly attains enlightenment (Source:
Ten Benefits of Offering Butter Lamps according to Buddha:
1. One receives great enjoyment of wealth.
2. One becomes like the light of the world.
3. One achieves clairvoyance of the pure eye as a human.
4. One is reborn as a deva or as a human.
5. One achieves the devas' eye.
6. One achieves the wisdom to discriminate virtue from non-virtue.
7. One is able to eliminate the concept of inherent existence.
8. One receives the illumination of wisdom.
9. One quickly becomes liberated.
10. One quickly attains enlightenment (Source: